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Chain of Command


The 42ndRoF has a sturdy Chain of Command system which demands strict discipline. It is the duty of the Commanding Officer (C.O.) to organise the troops, choose which troop they'll be playing as for the duration of the battle, and--most importantly--issue commands to the troops.

It is the C.O.'s responsibility to know who the next highest ranking soldier is. The next in the chain of command should know this as well. All 42ndRoF members should familiarise themselves with the   ranking system.  . In the event that the C.O. is killed in action, the C.O. must announce on Teamspeak (TS) that he has died and then must nominate a successor. The next highest ranking soldier becomes the C.O. but this doesn't have to be followed strictly; the most important thing is that a new C.O. is appointed ASAP.


It is the duty of the new C.O. to raise his rifle in the air and alert his fellow Highlanders of his location so that they can reform the line if need be--this is particularly important during an advance or an offensive maneouvre. He must then promptly issue fresh orders. These can be anything he wishes, from "Continue as you were" to "Everyone retreat!"


The C.O. must always be respected. Shouting out your own orders when you are not the C.O. will confuse the regiment and will only serve to disorganise the line. Speaking over the C.O. or undermining his command, eg. "That will never work, let's do X instead." will result in disciplinary action which includes demotions. Repeat offenses can result in a dishonourable discharge from the regiment.


Sergeants have the special role of positioning themselves on the ends of the line and making sure the troops are properly in line and that the C.O.'s orders are being carried out smoothly. In the event that the C.O. is stuck or momentarily unavailable at the start of a round, Sergeants are encouraged to rally the troops at the rallying position designated by the C.O.

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